V/A-아야/어야/해야, N-이어야/여야 Mastering Korean Grammar 181
하늘을 보아야 별을 따지. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering the essential Korean grammar structures "V/A-아야/어야/해야, N-이어야/여야." Understanding these grammatical forms is crucial for anyone learning Korean, as they are widely used to express necessary conditions and prerequisites in everyday conversations and formal writing. If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below. Usage of V/A-아야/어야/해야, N-이어야/여야 • Condition (조건): This expression is used to indicate that the preceding word is an essential condition for the following word. • V/A-아야/어야/해야 attaches to verbs and adjectives, while "N-이어야/여야" is used with nouns. • Notably, 'N-이어야/여야' can also function as 'N-이라야/라야.' • Use in Speech add '-지': when speaking Korean, adding '-지 to these structures, as in '-아야지/어야지/해야지 and -이어야지/여야지,' can add a conversational tone. • Emphasis add '-만': e mphasis on the condition, ...