라벨이 모음인 게시물 표시

Korean Alphabets Hangeul 02: Double vowels | 한글 02: 이중모음

Hello~ Today we're going to look at 'double vowels' in Korean. For the pronunciation and the writing order please refer to the video. 🎬  Hangeul lecture video 02 :  https://youtu.be/Ze5C4AOyQA4   ↓ 🌱 Lecture Note: Hangeul 02 - Double Vowels The double vowels in '한글' can be divided into  2: ㄱ) vowels beginning with 'ᅵ'  ㄴ) vowels beginning with 'ᅩ, ᅮ, ㅡ'. ㄱ. B egin with the vowel ‘ ㅣ ’ ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ,  ㅒ, ㅖ :  These double vowels begin with the vowel ‘ㅣ ’ When ‘ ㅣ ’ combines with the single vowels ' ㅏ , ㅓ , ㅗ , ㅜ , ㅐ , ㅔ, they become 'ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ, ㅒ, ㅒ'.   ㅑ: [ㅣ+ㅏ] - The pronunciation starts from ‘ㅣ ’ and quickly goes to ‘ ㅏ ’ ㅕ: [ㅣ + ㅓ] - The pronunciation starts from ‘ㅣ ’ and quickly goes to ‘ ㅓ ’. ㅛ: [ㅣ + ㅗ] - The pronunciation starts from ‘ㅣ ’ and quickly goes to ‘ ㅗ ’ ㅠ: [ㅣ + ㅜ] - The pronunciation starts from ‘ㅣ ’ and quickly goes to ‘ ㅜ ’. ㅒ: [ㅣ + ㅐ] - The pronunciation starts from ‘ㅣ ’ and quickly goes to ‘ ㅔ ’. ㅖ: [ㅣ ...