Learn Korean | Korean Grammar 139: V-ㄹ 거냐고 하다/을 거냐고 하다 (Korean indirect quotation: interrogative, verb, future)
In this lesson, we will look at the expression 'V-ㄹ 거냐고 하다/을 거냐고 하다 ' which is used to indirectly quote a sentence whose type of sentence is 'interrogative sentence', ends with 'verb', and the point of time is 'the future tense'.
Let's learn 'indirect quotation' in Korean 'V-ㄹ 거냐고 하다/을 거냐고 하다.'
If you want to watch this lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.
🌷 Korean grammar lesson 139: https://youtu.be/TC4fr7nL8TE
⭐️ Korean Grammar 139: V-ㄹ 거냐고 하다/을 거냐고 하다 (interrogative, verb, future)
‘미소 씨가 주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요.’
1. Short Conversation
- 지안: 지안 씨, 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
- 나나: 이번 주말에 친구와 영화를 보기로 했어요.
⥥⇓(After a while, Nana and Jian meet and talk. And Jian quotes Nana’s question indirectly.)
- 나나: 아까 미소 씨와 무슨 얘기했어요?
- 지안: 미소 씨가 저한테 주말에 뭐 할 거냐고 물어봤어요. 그래서 친구와 영화를 보기로 했다고 얘기했어요.
→ The grammar we're going to learn today is '할 거냐고 물어봤어요.'
(in English)
- Jian: "Jian, what are you going to do on the weekend?"
- Nana: “I'm going to watch a movie with a friend this weekend.”
- Nana: “What did you talk about with Miso earlier?”
- Jian: “Miso asked me what I was going to do on the weekend. So I said I was going to see a movie with my friend.”
2. Usage
- Indirect quotation: this expression is used when the speaker quotes another person's question indirectly.
- Interrogative, verb, future: '-(으)ㄹ 거냐고 하다' is used to quote a sentence that is an interrogative sentence, future tense and ending with a verb.
- 을/ㄹ (미래/추측), 거 (의존 명사): 'ㄹ/을' is an ending used to indicate future events or guesses. Here, it is used after a verb to talk about future events. ‘거’ is a bound noun.
- Instead of the verb ‘하다’, you can also use ‘묻다, 질문하다, 말하다.’
3. Example Sentences
✎ 미소: “주말에 뭐 할 거예요?” (→ verb, future, interrogative)
("What are you going to do this weekend?”)
→ Indirect quotation: 주말에 뭐 할 거냐고 물어봤어요. (하다 + ㄹ 거냐고 하다)
- When you look at '할 거에요', it ends with the verb '하다', and the point of view is in the future, and it is an interrogative sentence.
- If you want to quote it indirectly, you can add 'ㄹ거냐고 하다' after the verb '하다.'
- And when writing, delete the double quotation marks.
- Then you can say ‘주말에 뭐 할 거냐고 물어봤어요.’
- Here ‘할 거냐고 물어 봤어요' is a combination of the verb 하다 and 'ㄹ 거냐고 묻다'.
- If the sentence you want to quote ends with a verb, is in the future tense, and is an interrogative sentence, you can say it by combining the 'verb' followed by '-ㄹ 거냐고 하다'.
✎ 미소: “저녁에 치킨을 먹을 거예요?” (→ verb, future, interrogative)
(“Are you going to have chicken for dinner?”)
→ Indirect quotation: 저녁에 치킨을 먹을 거냐고 물어봤어요. (먹다 + 을 거냐고 하다)
- When you look at '먹을 거에요', it ends with the verb '먹다', the point of view is in the future, and it is an interrogative sentence.
- If you want to quote it indirectly, you can add '을 거냐고 하다' after the verb '먹다.'
- And when writing, delete the double quotation marks.
- Then you can say ‘저녁에 치킨을 먹을거냐고 물어봤어요.’
- Here ‘먹을 거냐고 물어 봤어요' is a combination of the verb 먹다 and '을 거냐고 묻다'.
- If the sentence you want to quote ends with a verb, is in the future tense, and is an interrogative sentence, you can say it by combining the 'verb' followed by '-을 거냐고 하다'.
4. Combination Information
- It attaches after a verb stem.
(1) Final Consonant O: -을 거냐고 하다
- When the verb stem has the final consonant, '을 거냐고 하다' is used.
- 먹다 + 을 거냐고 하다 → 먹을 거냐고 하다
- When you look at the verb 먹다, remove '다'.
- Then there is the final consonant ‘ㄱ’ before '다'.
- Then '을 거냐고 하다' is used after that.
- Then you can say '먹을 거냐고 하다’.
- 읽다 + 을 거냐고 하다 → 읽을 거냐고 하다
- Let's look at the verb 읽다. Remove '다'.
- Then there is the final consonant ‘ㄺ’ before '다'.
- Then '을 거냐고 하다' is used after that.
- Then you can say ‘읽을 거냐고 하다.'
(2) Final Consonant X: -ㄹ 거냐고 하다
- When a verb stem does not have the final consonant, '-ㄹ 거냐고 하다' is used.
- 가다 + ㄹ 거냐고 하다 → 갈 거냐고 하다
- When you look at the verb 가다, remove '다'.
- Then there is no final consonant before '다.'
- Then 'ㄹ 거냐고 하다' is used after that.
- Then you can say '갈 거냐고 하다’.
- 오다 + ㄹ 거냐고 하다 → 올 거냐고 하다
- Let's look at the verb 보다. Remove '다'.
- Then there is no final consonant before '다.'
- Then 'ㄹ 거냐고 하다' is used after that.
- So you can say '볼 거냐고 하다’.
(3) Final consonant ㄹ: ㄹ drop + ㄹ 거냐고 하다
- When a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’ delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-ㄹ 거냐고 하다’.
- 만들다 + ㄹ 거냐고 하다 → 만들 거냐고 하다
- When you look at the verb 만들다, remove '다'.
- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.
- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach 'ㄹ 거냐고 하다'
- So you can say '만들 거냐고 하다’.
- 놀다 + ㄹ 거냐고 하다 → 놀 거냐고 하다
- When you look at the verb 놀다, remove '다'.
- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.
- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach 'ㄹ 거냐고 하다'
- So you can say ‘놀 거냐고 하다.'
5. Practice
✎ “주말에 영화를 볼 거예요?” (Are you going to see a movie this weekend?)
→ 주말에 영화를 볼 거냐고 물어봤어요. (보다 + ㄹ 거냐고 묻다)
✎ “서울에 계속 살 거예요?” (Are you going to stay in Seoul?)
→ 서울에 계속 살 거냐고 물어봤어요. (살다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ 거냐고 묻다)
✎ “오늘 책을 다 읽을 거예요?” (Are you going to read all the books today?)
→ 오늘 책을 다 읽을 거냐고 물어봤어요. (읽다 + 을 거냐고 묻다)
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