Learn Korean | Korean Grammar 130: V-을 거라고 하다/ㄹ 거라고 하다 (indirect quotation)

Hi, welcome to Basic Korean. In this video, we will look at the expression 'V-을 거라고 하다/ㄹ 거라고 하다' which is used to indirectly quotes a sentence whose type of sentence is 'declarative sentence', ends with 'verb', and the point of time is 'the future tense'.

Let's learn 'indirect quotation' in Korean 'V-을 거라고 하다/ㄹ 거라고 하다.' 

If you want to watch this lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

⭐️ Korean grammar lesson 130: https://youtu.be/aghOLrcXB8c

⭐️ Korean Grammar 130: V-을 거라고 하다/ㄹ 거라고 하다

‘미소 씨가 주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요.

1. Short Conversation

- 지안: 나나 씨, 혹시 미소 씨 이번 주말에 뭐 하는지 알아요?

- 나나: 이번 주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요.

(In English)

- Jian: Nana, do you know what Miso is doing this weekend?

- Nana: She said she was going to have dinner with a friend this weekend. 

→ The grammar we will learn today is ‘먹을 거라고 했어요.

2. Usage

- Indirect Quotation (간접 인용): It is used when the speaker quotes another person's words or writings (indirectly) from the speaker's point of view.

- '(으)ㄹ 거라고 하다' attaches after a verb stem.

- ‘-ㄹ/을’ is an ending to indicate that an event or action occurred in the future or to indicate a conjecture.

- ‘거’ is a bound noun. So, ‘-라고 하다’ is followed. Not ‘다고 하다.'

- '-(으)ㄹ 거라고 하다' is used to quote a sentence that is declarative, it ends with a verb, and the point in time is the future, or that expresses a guess.

- And instead of the verb ‘하다’, you can also use ‘말하다, 그러다, and so on.'

3. Example Sentences

✎ 미소: “주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거예요.” (→ verb, future tense, declarative sentence)

→ Indirect quotation: 미소 씨가 주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요. (먹다 + 을 거라고 하다)

(In English)

Miso: I’m going to have dinner with a friend on the weekend.

→ Indirect quotation:  Miso said she was going to have dinner with a friend this weekend.

- When you look at this sentence, it ends with the verb. The point of view is in the future, and it is declarative.

- If you want to quote indirectly, you can add '을 거라고 하다' after the verb '먹다' 

which is the basic form of '먹을 거예요.'

- And when writing, delete the double quotation marks.

- Then, you can say ‘미소 씨가 주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요.’

- Here '먹을 거라고 했어요' is a combination of the verb 먹다 and '-을 거라고 하다'.

- If the sentence you want to quote ends with a verb, is in the future tense, and is a declarative sentence,

 you can say it by combining the 'verb stem' followed by '-을 거라고 하다.'

- And if you look at the tense, the tense of Miso's speech is the future tense, and the tense of the indirect quotation is also the future tense. So you can say  ‘주말에 친구와 밥을 먹을 거라고 했어요.’

✎ 미소: “오후에 학교에 갈 거예요.” (→ verb, future tense, declarative sentence)

→ Indirect quotation: 미소 씨가 오후에 학교에 갈 거라고 했어요. (가다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다)

(In English)

Miso: I'm going to school in the afternoon.

→  Indirect quotation: Miso said she was going to school in the afternoon.

- When you look at this sentence, it ends with the verb. The point of view is in the future, and it is declarative.

- If you want to quote indirectly, you can add 'ㄹ 거라고 하다' after the verb '가다' 

which is the basic form of '갈 거예요.'

- And when writing, delete the double quotation marks.

- Then you can say ‘미소 씨가 오후에 학교에 갈 거라고 했어요.’

- Here '갈 거라고 했어요' is a combination of the verb 가다 and '-ㄹ 거라고 하다'.

- If the sentence you want to quote ends with a verb, is in the future tense, and is a declarative sentence, you can say it by combining the 'verb stem' followed by '-ㄹ 거라고 하다'.

- And if you look at the tense, the tense of Miso's speech is the future tense, and the tense of the indirect quotation is also the future tense.

- So you can say ‘오후에 학교에 갈 거라고 했어요.’

4. Combination Information

- ‘을 거라고 하다/ㄹ 거라고 하다’ attache a verb stem.

(1) Final Consonant O: -을 거라고 하다

- When the verb stem has the final consonant, '을 거라고 하다' is used.

- 먹다 + 을 거라고 하다 → 먹을 거라고 하다

- When you look at the verb 먹다, remove '다'.

- Then there is the final consonant (ㄱ) before '다'.

- Then '을 거라고 하다' is used after that.

- So you can say ' 먹을 거라고 하다.’

       - 읽다 + 을 거라고 하다 → 읽을 거라고 하다

- When you look at the verb 읽다. Remove '다'.

- Then there is the final consonant (ㄹㄱ) before '다'.

- Then '을 거라고 하다' is used after that.

- So you can say '읽을 거라고 하다.’

(2) Final Consonant X: -ㄹ 거라고 하다

- When a verb stem does not have the final consonant, '-ㄹ 거라고 하다' is used.

- 가다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다 → 갈 거라고 하다

- When you look at the verb 가다, remove '다'.

- Then there is no final consonant before '다.'

- Then 'ㄹ 거라고 하다' is used after that.

- So you can say '갈 거라고 하다.’

- 오다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다 → 올 거라고 하다

- Let's look at the verb 오다. Remove '다'.

- Then there is no final consonant before '다.'

- Then 'ㄹ 거라고 하다' is used after that.

- So you can say '올 거라고 하다’.

(3) Final Consonant ㄹ: ㄹ drop + ㄹ 거라고 하다

- When a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’, delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-ㄹ 거라고 하다’.

- 만들다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다 → 만들 거라고 하다

- When you look at the verb 만들다, remove '다'.

- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach 'ㄹ 거라고 하다'

- So you can say '만들 거라고 하다’.

- 놀다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다 → 놀 거라고 하다

- Let's look at the verb 놀다 Remove '다'.

- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach 'ㄹ 거라고 하다'

- So you can say '놀 거라고 하다’.

5. Practice

✎ 미소 씨가 (“10시쯤 도착할 거예요.”) 했어요. 

   (Miso said, “I will arrive around 10.”)

→ 미소 씨가 10시쯤 도착할 거라고 했어요. (도착하다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다)

✎ 나나 씨는 (“도서관에서 책을 읽을 거예요.) 했어요.

   (Nana said, "I'm going to read a book in the library.")

→ 나나 씨는 도서관에서 책을 읽을 거라고 했어요. (읽다 + 을 거라고 하다)

✎ 미소 씨가 (“내년에는 한국에서 살 거예요.”) 했어요.

   (Miso said, “I will live in Korea next year.”)

→ 미소 씨가 내년에는 한국에서 살 거라고 했어요. (살다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ 거라고 하다)

(대화 예문)

- 나나: 요즘 계속 비가 오네요. 내일은 날씨가 맑을까요?

- 미소: 아니요. 일기예보에서 그러는데 내일도 비가 올 거라고 했어요. 내일도 우산을 준비하는 게 좋겠어요.

→ 올 거라고 했어요. (오다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다)


-Nana: It's been raining all these days. Will the weather be sunny tomorrow?

- Miso: No. The weather forecast said it would rain tomorrow. It would be a good idea to prepare an umbrella tomorrow as well.

✔︎ Quiz PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fLeVLiuFtVDfYP89N9OLMyrCg0GyTES1/view?usp=sharing

❓ 문제: (보기)와 같이 문장을 간접 인용해 보세요.

(보기)  미소: “점심을 먹을 거예요.” → 미소 씨가 점심을 먹을 거라고 했어요.

(Miso: “I will have lunch.” → Miso said she would have lunch. )


1. 나나: “다음 주에 제주도에 갈 거예요.” → 나나 씨가 __________ 했어요.

(Nana: “I’m going to Jeju Island next week.” 

→ Nana said she was going to Jeju Island next week.

2. 미소: “내일부터 공부를 열심히 할 거예요.” → 미소 씨가  ___________ 그랬어요.

(Miso: “I’m going to study hard from tomorrow.”

 →  Miso said she was going to study hard from tomorrow.)

3. 영준: “이번 주말에는 집에 있을 거예요.” → 영준 씨가  ___________ 했어요

(Youngjun: “I will be at home this weekend.” 

→ Youngjun said he would be at home this weekend.)

4. 나나: “한국어책을 읽을 거예요.”→ 나나 씨가  _______________ 했어요.

(Nana: “I’m going to read a Korean book.” 

→ Nana said she was going to read a Korean book.)

5. 미소: “비빔밥을 만들 거예요.” → 미소 씨가 ____________ 했어요.

(Miso: “I’m going to make bibimbap.” → Miso said she was going to make bibimbap.)


1. 나나 씨가 다음 주에 제주도에 갈 거라고 했어요. (가다 + ㄹ 거라고 하다)

2. 미소 씨가 내일부터 공부를 열심히 할 거라고 그랬어요. (하다 + ㄹ 거라고 그러다)

3. 영준 씨가 이번 주말에는 집에 있을 거라고 했어요. (있다 + 을 거라고 하다)

4. 나나 씨가 한국어책을 읽을 거라고했어요. (읽다 + 을 거라고 하다)

5. 미소 씨가 비빔밥을 만들 거라고 했어요. (만들다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ 거라고 하다)

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