Learn Korean: Korean Grammar 118: V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
In this lesson, we're going to learn V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다.
저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.
If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.
🎬 Korean Grammar: 118: https://youtu.be/VE9UTf3JU3k
- 미소: 나나 씨, 이번 여름 휴가 때 뭐 할 거예요?
(Nana, what are you going to do on your vacation this summer?)
(Nana, what are you going to do on your vacation this summer?)
어디로 갈지 정했어요?
(Have you decided where to go?)
(Have you decided where to go?)
- 나나: 아니요. 아직 결정하지는 않았지만, 가족들과 제주도에 갈까 해요.
(No, I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking of going to Jeju Island with my family.)
- Here, the grammar we will learn today '갈까 해요.'
→ ㄹ까/을까 (ending) + 하다 (Verb): It is an expression that combines the verb '하다' after the ending 'ㄹ까/을까.'
→ As an expression, it's not yet decided, but it's used to indicate that you have an intention to do something.
✎ 휴가 때 제주도로 여행을 갈까 해요. (가다 + ㄹ까 하다)
(I'm thinking of going on a trip to Jeju Island on vacation.)
(I'm thinking of going on a trip to Jeju Island on vacation.)
→ Here, '갈까 해요' is a combination of the verb '가다' and '-ㄹ까 하다.'
→ Did Nana decide to go to Jeju Island on vacation? No, she has not decided yet.
→ But she is thinking. It would be nice to go to Jeju Island. She is thinking of going on a vacation to Jeju Island.
→ Like this, it hasn't been decided yet, but when you have an idea to do something, you can use 'ㄹ까 하다' after the verb '가다' and say: 갈까 해요.
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V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다 |
✎ 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요. (먹다 + 을까 하다)
(I'm thinking of having pizza for dinner.)
→ '먹을까 해요' is a combination of the verb '먹다' and '-을까 하다.'
→ Did Nana decide to eat pizza for dinner? No, she has not decided yet.
→ But she is thinking. It would be nice to eat pizza. She is thinking of having pizza for dinner.
→ Like this, it hasn't been decided yet, but when you have an idea to do something, you can use '을까 하다' after the verb '먹다' and say: 먹을까 해요.
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V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다 |
4. Grammar Information
(1) ‘안’ negation: 안 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다, V-지 않을까 하다.
(1) ‘안’ negation: 안 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다, V-지 않을까 하다.
- When you negate '-(으)ㄹ까 하다', use '안' negative expressions.
✎ 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.
→ 저녁에 피자를 안 먹을까 해요. (안 + 먹다 + 을까 하다)
→ 저녁에 피자를 먹지 않을까 해요. (먹다 + 지 않을까 하다)
※ You cannot use '못' negative expressions.: V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 (X), V-지 못할까 하다. (X)
- 저녁에 피자를 못 먹을까 해요. (X)
- 저녁에 피자를 먹지 못할까 해요. (X)
(2) Question Sentence (X), Commend Sentnece (X), Request Sentence (X)
- '(으)ㄹ까 하다' cannot be used in 'question, command, request sentneces.'
✎ Question Sentence: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요? (X)
✎ Commend Sentnece : 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 하세요. (X)
✎ Request Sentence: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 합시다. (X)
(3) Present Tense (O), Past Tense (O), Future Tense (X)
- '-(으)ㄹ까 하다' can be used with the present and past tense, but not with an expression indicating the future.
✎ Present: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.(O)
✎ Past: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 했어요. (O)
✎ Future: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 할 거예요. (X)
4. Combination Information
- 'ㄹ까/을까 하다' attaches after a verb stem.
(1) Final Consonant O: -을까 하다
- When a verb stem has the final consonant, '-을까 하다' is used.
- 먹다 + 을까 하다 → 먹을까 하다
- 읽다 + 을까 하다 → 읽을까 하다
(2) Final Consonant X: -ㄹ까 하다
- When a verb stem does not have the final consonant, '-ㄹ까 하다' is used.
- 가다 + ㄹ까 하다 → 갈까 하다
- 보다 + ㄹ까 하다 → 볼까 하다
(3) Final Consonant ㄹ: ㄹ drop + ㄹ까 하다
- When a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’, delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-ㄹ까 하다’.
- 만들다 (ㄹ 탈락) + ㄹ까 하다 → 만들까 하다
- 놀다 (ㄹ 탈락) + ㄹ까 하다 → 놀까 하다
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V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다 |
4. Practice
✎ 수업이 끝나면 집에서 영화를 볼까 해요. (보다 + ㄹ까 하다)
(After class, I'm thinking of watching a movie at home.)
(After class, I'm thinking of watching a movie at home.)
✎ 저녁에 책을 읽을까 해요. (읽다 + 을까 하다)
(I'm thinking of reading a book in the evening.)
(I'm thinking of reading a book in the evening.)
✎ 주말에 게임을 하면서 놀까 해요. (놀다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ까 하다)
(I'm thinking of playing games on the weekend.)
(I'm thinking of playing games on the weekend.)
- 나나: 미소 씨, 퇴근하고 뭐 할 거예요?
(Miso, what are you going to do after work?)
(Miso, what are you going to do after work?)
- 미소: 글쎄요. 집에 갈까 하는데, 왜요?
(I do not know. I'm thinking of going home, why?)
(I do not know. I'm thinking of going home, why?)
- 나나: 저는 영화를 볼까 하는데, 같이 볼래요?
(I'm thinking of watching a movie, but would you like to watch it together?)
(I'm thinking of watching a movie, but would you like to watch it together?)
→ 갈까 하는데 (가다 + ㄹ까 하다 + 는데)
→ 볼까 하는데 (보다 + ㄹ까 하다 + 는데)
Thank you~!
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