Learn Korean: Korean Grammar 108: V-기가 A

In this lesson, we're going to learn 'V-기가 A '

회사에 가기가 싫어요.
If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

🎬 Korean Grammar108: https://youtu.be/0LUxJWBNvPY

1. A short conversation & Pronunciation

Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

- 나나: 미소 씨는 언제 회사에 가기 싫어요?
                (Miso, when do you not want to go to work?)
- 미소: 오늘같이 비가 오는 날에는 회사에 가기가 싫어요.
I hate going to work on rainy days like today.)
- 나나: 그러게요. 오늘 같은 날에는 집에서 쉬었으면 좋겠어요.
                (I know. I wish I could rest at home on a day like today.)

→ The grammar we're going to learn today is '가기 싫어요? and 가기가 싫어요.' Let's find out today's grammar.

2. Usage

Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

► '기(가) A' attaches after a verb stem.
► 기 + 가 + adjective: It is an expression that combines the ending '기' which turns a verb into a noun, and '가' which is a particle that attaches after a noun, and an adjective.
- 'Verb-기 ' is played a role as a noun. And the particle '가' can be omitted. 
► And the adjectives that follow often include '쉽다 (easy), 어렵다 (difficult),
좋다 (good), 싫다 (hate), 나쁘다 (bad), 편하다 (comfortable), 불편하다 (uncomfortable), 힘들다 (hard)'.
► It is used when talking about an action tends to be 'adjective - easy, difficult, good, bad.'

3. Example Sentences
▶ 회사에 가기가 싫어요.
= 회사에 가기 싫어요. (가다 + 기가 + 싫다)
        (I hate going to work.)
- '가기(가) 싫어요' is a combination of the verb '가다' and '기(가) and the adjective '싫다.'
- It means 'I go to work.' I hate that.
Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

▶ 샐러드를 먹기가 싫어요.
= 샐러드를 먹기 싫어요. (먹다 + 기가 + 싫다)
        (I hate to eat salad.)
- '먹기(가) 싫어요' is a combination of the verb '먹다' and '기(가) and the adjective '싫다.'
- It means 'I eat salad. I hate that.'
Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

4. Combination Information
- Whether a verb stem has the final consonant or not,'기(가) adjective' is used
- Verb | Final Consonant O & X: -기(가) A
- Final Consonant O: 먹다 + 기(가) A → 먹기(가) A
- Final Consonant X: 가다 + 기(가) A → 오기(가) A

Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

5. Practice
- 다리가 아파서 걷기가 힘들어요. (걷다 + 기가 힘들다)
        (It's hard to walk because my leg hurts.)
- 집이 가까워서 회사를 다니기가 좋아요. (다니다 + 기가 좋다)
        (It is good to go to work because my house is close to it.)
- 한국은 대중교통을 이용하기가 편해요. (이용하다 + 기가 편하다)
        (It's easy to use public transportation in Korea.)

(A short conversation & Pronunciation)

Korean grammar 한국어문법: V-기(가) A
V-기(가) A

- 미소: 나나 씨, 한국에서 살기가 어때요?
                (Nana, how about living in Korea?)
- 나나: 처음에는 한국에 적응하기가 힘들었는데 지금은 많이 편해졌어요.
                (At first, it was hard to get used to Korea, but I'm much more comfortable now.)
- 미소: 뭐가 제일 힘들었어요?
                (What was the hardest part?)
- 나나: 한국어를 배우기가 정말 어려웠어요.
                (It was really difficult to learn Korean.)

→ 살기가 어때요? (살다 + 기가 어렵다)
→ 적응하기가 힘들었는데 (적응하다 + 기가 힘들다 + 었는데)
→ 배우기가 어려웠어요 (배우다 + 기가 어렵다)

Thank you~!

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