Learn Korean | Learn Korean Grammar 01 - N은/는

Hello~Welcome to Basic Korean.
This is the first grammar lesson and in this lesson, we're going to learn a Korean grammar 'N은/는.'

If you want to listen to this lesson in Korean (with English subtitles), please watch the below video. 
🎬 Korean Grammar Video 01: https://youtu.be/X6P1wU-Rbo8

🌲Korean Grammar 01: N-은/는
(You can have this content in Korean.)

Let's look at examples first and see how today's grammar is used.

1. A short conversation

Korean Grammar '은/는' example


- 저는 김미소예요. (I am Kim Miso.)
- 제 직업은 선생님이에요. (My job is a teacher.)

Here, today's grammar is '저는, 직업은.' Let's look at today's grammar!

2. Usage

Korean Grammar '은/는' usage
  • '은/는' attaches after a noun.
  • Topic marker: '은/는' indicates that the preceding noun is the topic of the sentence.
    • 주제 = topic
Let's look at two example sentences.

Examples of Korean Grammar '은/는'

 '저는 김미소예요.' which means 'I am Kim Miso.
 '는' attaches after '저 (which means 'I') that indicates '저' is the topic of the sentence. 
The sentence is talking about '저.'

 '제 직업은 선생님이에요.' which means 'I am Kim Miso.'
 '은' attaches after '직업 (which means 'job') that indicates '직업' is the topic of the sentence. 
⇨ The sentence is talking about '직업.'

Now let's find out a combination information

3. Combination information

3.1. A noun with a final consonant: +은

a noun with a final consonant + 은
  • When a noun has the final consonant, '은' is used.
  • 직업 (job) ➝ 직업은
    • The last character of '직업' is '업.'
    • There is the final consonant 'ㅂ' in '업.'
    • Add '은'
    • So it becomes '직업은.'

3.2. A noun without a final consonant: +는

a noun without a final consonant + 는

    • When a noun does not the final consonant, '는' is used.
    • 저 (I) ➝저는
      • There no final consonant in '저.'
      • Add '는'
      • So it becomes '저는.'
    3.3. Summary of combination information '은/는'

    Korean Grammar Combination chart: '은/는'

    Now, let's practice!

    4. Practice 

    4.1. Practice 1

    1. 이름 (=name) + 은/는?

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice
    • When you look at the last character of '이름,' it has the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '름.'
    • Then add '은.'
    • It becomes '이름은.'
    2. 학생 (=student) + 은/는?

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice
    • When you look at the last character of '학생,' it has the final consonant 'ㅇ' in '생.'
    • Then add '은.'
    • It becomes '학생은.'
    3. 가수 (=singer) + 은/는?

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice
    • When you look at the last character of '가수,' it does not have the final consonant in '수.'
    • Then add '는.'
    • It becomes '가수는.'
    4. 배우 (=actoer/actress) + 은/는?

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice
    • When you look at the last character of '배우,' it does not have the final consonant in '우.'
    • Then add '는.'
    • It becomes '배우는.'

    Here is the summary of practice 1.

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice

    4.2. Practice 2
    What should be in ❓? 은 or 는?

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice

    [Answer & Translation]
     저❓ 박민영이에요. (=I am Park Minyoung.)
     The answer is ' 박민영이에요.'
    • '저' does not have the final consonant.
    • Then add '는.'
    • It becomes '저는.'

     제 직업❓ 배우예요. (=I am an actor/actress.)
     The answer is '제 직업 배우예요.'
    • '직업' has the final consonant 'ㅂ.'
    • Then add '은.'
    • It becomes '직업은.'
     제 이름❓ 다니엘이에요. (=My name is Daniel.)
     The answer is '제 이름 다니엘이에요.'
    • '이름' has the final consonant 'ㅁ.'
    • Then add '은.'
    • It becomes '이름은.'
    4.3. Practice 3
    Let's complete the sentence.

    1. Ask and answer name

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice

    [Answer & Translation]

    - 미소: 이름이 뭐예요? (=What is your name?)
    - 나나: (❓❓) 나나예요.

    What should be in (❓❓)?
     You can say either
       ' 나나예요.' (= I am Nana.)
       or '제 이름 나나예요.' (My name is Nana.)

    2. Ask and answer a job

    Korean Grammar '은/는' practice

    [Answer & Translation]

    - 미소: 직업이 뭐예요? (=What is your job?)
    - 나나: (❓❓) 선생님이에요. (=I am a teacher.)

    What should be in (❓❓)?
     You can say either
       ' 선생님이에요.' (I am a teacher.)
       or '제 직업 선생님이에요.' (My job is a teacher.)

    Today we've learned 'N은/는.' '은/는' indicates that the preceding noun is the topic of the sentence.

    That's all for today.
    Thank you!

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