Learn Korean | Learn Korean Grammar 77 '았/었/했으면 좋겠다'
Hello~Welcome to Basic Korean.
In this lesson, we're going to learn a Korean grammar 'A/V-았으면 좋겠다, 었으면 좋겠다, 했으면 좋겠다.'
If you want to listen to this lesson in Korean (with English subtitles), please watch the below video.
🎬 Korean Grammar Video 77: https://youtu.be/G3JDX8Pixdo
🌲Korean Grammar 77: A/V-았/었/했으면 좋겠다
(You can have this content in Korean.)
Let's look at a short conversation first and see how today's grammar is used.
1. A short conversation
- The [sky blue] is pronunciation.

A short conversation '았으면/었으면/했으면 좋겠다' with pronunciation
- 나나: 본격적으로 여름이 왔나 봐요.
(I think summer certainly has come.) 아침인데 벌써 덥네요.
(It's morning but it's already hot.)
- 나나: 그러게요.
(I know.) 올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요.
(I wish it was cool this summer.)
Here, today's grammar is '시원했으면 좋겠어요' Let's look at today's grammar!
A short conversation '았으면/었으면/했으면 좋겠다' with pronunciation |
- 나나: 본격적으로 여름이 왔나 봐요.
(I think summer certainly has come.)
(I think summer certainly has come.)
아침인데 벌써 덥네요.
(It's morning but it's already hot.)
(It's morning but it's already hot.)
- 나나: 그러게요.
(I know.)
(I know.)
올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요.
(I wish it was cool this summer.)
Here, today's grammar is '시원했으면 좋겠어요' Let's look at today's grammar!
2. Usage
- '았/었/했으면 좋겠다' attach after an adjective/ver stem.
- It is the combination of '았/었/했' and '으면' and '좋겠다.'
- It is used to talk about a wish or hope.
Let's look at two example sentences.

Examples of '았으면/었으면/했으면 좋겠다'
[Example & Translation]
✎ 더워요. 올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요. (It's hot. I wish this summer was a little cooler.)
⇨ 더워요. It's hot.🌞 And you talk about your wish '올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요.' 🌊⇨ '시원했으면 좋겠다': You can say your wish by adding '했으면 좋겠다' after the adjective '시원하다 (to be cool).'
✎ 바빠요. 좀 쉬었으면 좋겠어요. (I'm busy. I wish I could get some rest.)
⇨ 바빠요. I'm busy.😩💦 And you talk about your wish '좀 쉬었으면 좋겠어요.'😴⇨ '쉬었으면 좋겠다': You can say your wish by adding '었으면 좋겠다' after the verb '쉬다 (to take a rest).'
Now let's find out a combination information
- '았/었/했으면 좋겠다' attach after an adjective/ver stem.
- It is the combination of '았/었/했' and '으면' and '좋겠다.'
- It is used to talk about a wish or hope.
Let's look at two example sentences.
Examples of '았으면/었으면/했으면 좋겠다' |
[Example & Translation]
✎ 더워요. 올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요.
(It's hot. I wish this summer was a little cooler.)
⇨ 더워요. It's hot.🌞 And you talk about your wish '올여름은 좀 시원했으면 좋겠어요.' 🌊
⇨ '시원했으면 좋겠다': You can say your wish by adding '했으면 좋겠다' after the adjective '시원하다 (to be cool).'
✎ 바빠요. 좀 쉬었으면 좋겠어요.
(I'm busy. I wish I could get some rest.)
⇨ 바빠요. I'm busy.😩💦 And you talk about your wish '좀 쉬었으면 좋겠어요.'😴
⇨ '쉬었으면 좋겠다': You can say your wish by adding '었으면 좋겠다' after the verb '쉬다 (to take a rest).'
Now let's find out a combination information
3. Combination information
- Basically, it is the same as the past tense conjugation '았/었/했'.
3.1. Vowel 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ'
adjective/verbs stem with 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ' + 았으면 좋겠다 |
- When an adjective/verb's vowel before '다' is 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', '았으면 좋겠다' is used
- 작다 (adjective: to be small) ➝ 작았으면 좋겠다.
- Remove '다'.
- There is the vowel 'ㅏ' before '다.'
- Add '았으면 좋겠다.'
- It becoems '작았으면 좋겠다.'
- 오다 (verb: to come) ➝ 왔으면 좋겠다
- Remove '다.'
- There is the vowel 'ㅗ' before '다.'
- Add '았으면 좋겠다.'
- It becomes '왔으면 좋겠다.'
3.2. Other Vowels (except 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ')
- When a vowel before '다' is other vowels, then '었으면 좋겠다' is used.
- 넓다 (adjective: to be large) ➝ 넓었으면 좋겠다
- Remove '다.'
- There is the vowel 'ㅓ' which is not 'ㅏ' nor 'ㅗ.'
- Add '었으면 좋겠다.'
- It becomes '넓었으면 좋겠다.'
- 입다 (verb: to wear) ➝ 입었으면 좋겠다
- Remove '다.'
- There is the vowel 'ㅣ' which is not 'ㅏ' nor 'ㅗ.'
- Add '었으면 좋겠다.'
- It becomes '입었으면 좋겠다.'
3.3. 하다
adjective/verbs stem ends with '하다' → 했으면 좋겠다 |
- When an adjective/verb ends with '하다', change '하다' to '했으면 좋겠다.'
- 편하다 (adjective: to be comfortable) ➝ 편했으면 좋겠다
- Remove '하다.'
- Add '했으면 좋겠다.'
- It becomes '편했으면 좋겠다.'
- 운동하다 (verb: to exercise) ➝ 운동했으면 좋겠다
- Remove '다.'
- Add '했으면 좋겠다.'
- It becomes '운동했으면 좋겠다.'
3.4. Summary of combination information '았/었/했으면 좋겠다'
4. '았/었/했으면 좋겠다 ≑ '(으)면 좋겠다'
You can use '(으)면 좋겠다' instead of '았/었/했으면 좋겠다.'
올여름은 시원했으면 좋겠다. ≑ 올여름은 시원하면 좋겠다.
When you want to emphasize your wish a little more, you can use '았/었/했으면 좋겠다.' But both expressions can be used without much difference.
5. Examples
- 새로 이사하는 집은 방이 넓었으면 좋겠어요.
(I hope the new house we're moving in has a large room.) - '넓었으면 좋겠어요' comes from by adding '었으면 좋겠어요' after the adjective '넓다 (to be large).'
- 저는 돈이 많았으면 좋겠어요.
(I wish I had a lot of money.) - '많았으면 좋겠어요' comes from by adding '았으면 좋겠어요' after the adjective '많다 (to be a lot).'
- 저는 한국어를 잘했으면 좋겠어요
( I wish I could speak Korean well.) - 잘했으면 좋겠어요 comes from by changing '하다' to '했으면 좋겠어요.'
Let's look at another short conversation.
The [sky blue] is pronunciation.
A short conversation '았/었/했으면 좋겠다' with pronunciation |
- 나나: 미소 씨, 힘들어 보여요.
(Miso, you look tired.)
(Miso, you look tired.)
- 미소: 집에서 회사까지 너무 멀어서 출퇴근하는 게 힘들어요.
(It's too far from home to work, so it is hard to commute.)
(It's too far from home to work, so it is hard to commute.)
집에 회사에서 좀 가까웠으면 좋겠어요.
(I wish my house was closer to work.)
(I wish my house was closer to work.)
- '가까웠으면 좋겠어요' is the 'ㅂ' irregular conjugation adjective '가깝다 (to be close). So it comes from by changing the final consonant 'ㅂ' to 'ㅜ,' and adding '었으면 좋겠다.'
Today we've learned 'A/V-았/었/했으면 좋겠다' which you can use when you talk about a wish or hope.
Here are the related videos on Youtube.
Korean Grammar 51 A/V(으)면: https://youtu.be/keH4ggPsbo0
More videos on Grammar: http://bit.ly/basickoreangrammar
Thank you!