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In this lesson, we're going to learn how to pronounce 'ㅂ니다/습니다'
If you want to listen to this lesson in Korean (with English subtitles), please watch the below video.
🌲Korean Pronunciation: ㅂ니다 / 습니다
(🌻 You can have this content in Korean.)
Let's look at how to pronounce 'ㅂ니다' first.
the pronunciation of ㅂ니다 |
1. ㅂ니다 → [ㅁ니다]
how to pronounce ㅂ니다
- 'ㅂ니다' is pronounced as [ㅁ니다]
- Grammar information
- an adjective/verb stem without final consonant + ㅂ니다
: 'ㅂ니다' attaches an adjective/verb stem without a final consonant, such as '하다 (to do) and 예쁘다 (to be pretty).' They become '합니다' and '예쁩니다.' - 'ㅂ' in 'ㅂ니다' is placed at the final consonant position.
- Pronunciation
- When the final consonant 'ㅂ' is followed by 'ㄴ', 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ].
- So 'ㅂ니다' is pronounced as [ㅁ니다].
Let's see some more examples.
examples of 'ㅂ니다' pronunciation
- 합니다 is pronounced as [함니다]
- 하다 (to do) + ㅂ니다
- The final consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ]
- 예쁩니다 is pronounced as [예쁨니다]
- 예쁘다 (to be pretty) + ㅂ니다
- The final consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ].
the final consonant 'ㄹ' and 'ㅂ니다' pronunciation |
- In the case of 'ㄹ' final consonant
- When an adjective/verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ', delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘ㅂ니다.
- So in this case the final consonant 'ㄹ' is not pronounced.
- 만듭니다 is pronounced as [만듬니다].
- 만들다 (to make)(delete 'ㄹ') + ㅂ니다
- The final consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ].
- 놉니다 is pronounced as [놈니다].
- 놀다 (to play)(delete 'ㄹ') + ㅂ니다
- The final consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ].
Now, let's find out how to pronounce '습니다.'
the pronunciation of 습니다 |
2. 습니다 → [씀니다]
2.1 홑받침 (Single Final Consonants):
the final consonant+ 습니다 ⟶ [the final consonant sound] + [씀니다]
how to pronounce '습니다' |
- '습니다' is pronounced as [씀니다]
- Grammar information
- an adjective/verb stem with final consonant + 습니다
: '습니다' attaches an adjective/verb stem with a final consonant, such as '먹다 (to eat) and '덥다 (to be warm/hot).' They become '먹습니다' and '덥습니다.'
- Pronunciation
- '습니다' is pronounced as [슴니다].
- When the final consonant 'ㅂ' is followed by the initial consonant 'ㄴ', 'ㅂ' is pronounced as [ㅁ]. So '습니다' is pronounced [슴니다].
- [받침소리] + [씀니다]
- And before [슴니다], there is a final consonant from an adjective/verb stem.
- When they meet together, the final consonant is pronounced as [the final consonant sound] and [슴니다] is pronounced as [씀니다].
- The exception is 'ㅎ'.
- The final consonant 'ㅎ' is not pronounced. Only [씀니다] is pronounced.
Let's look at them one by one.
2.1.1. [ㄱ]: ㄱ, ㄲ
ㄱ, ㄲ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄱ] + [씀니다]
- ㄱ, ㄲ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄱ] + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㄱ and ㄲ' are pronounced as the final consonant sound [ㄱ].
- 먹습니다 is pronounced as [먹씀니다].
- 먹다 (to eat) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㄱ' is pronounced the same.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- 낚습니다 is pronounced as [낙씀니다].
- 낚다 (to fish, to catch) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㄲ' is pronounced as [ㄱ].
- 습' is pronounced as [씀].
2.1.2. [ㄴ]: ㄴ
ㄴ+습니다 ➝ [ㄴ] + [씀니다] |
- ㄴ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄴ] + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㄴ' is pronounced the same [ㄴ].
- 신습니다 is pronounced as [신씀니다].
- 신다 (to wear) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced the same.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
2.1.3. [ㄷ]: ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ
'ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ' + 습니다 ➝ [ㄷ] + [씀니다] |
- ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄷ] + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ' is pronounced as the final consonant sound [ㄷ].
- 닫습니다 is pronounced as [닫씀니다].
- 닫다 (to close) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㄷ' is pronounced the same.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- 같습니다 is pronounced as [갇씀니다].
- 같다 (to be same) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅌ' is pronounced as [ㄷ].
- 습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㅁ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅁ] + [씀니다] |
- ㅁ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅁ] + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㅁ' is pronounced the same [ㅁ].
- 검습니다 is pronounced as [검씀니다].
- 검다 (to be black) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅁ' is pronounced the same.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㅂ,ㅍ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅂ] + [씀니다] |
- ㅂ, ㅍ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅂ] + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㅂ, ㅍ' is pronounced as the final consonant sound [ㅂ].
- 덥습니다 is pronounced as [덥씀니다].
- 덥다 (to be warm/hot) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced the same.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- 깊습니다 is pronounced as [깁씀니다].
- 깊다 (to be deep) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅍ' is pronounced as [ㅂ].
- 습' is pronounced as [씀].
2.1.6. ㅎ
ㅎ + 습니다 ➝ ∅ + [씀니다] |
- ㅎ + 습니다 ➝ ∅ + [씀니다]
- The final consonants 'ㅎ' is not pronounced.
- 좋습니다 is pronounced as [조씀니다].
- 좋다 (to be good) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅎ' is not pronounced.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- 낳습니다 is pronounced as [조씀니다].
- 낳다 (to give birth) + 습니다
- The final consonant 'ㅎ' is not pronounced.
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
2.2. 겹받침 (Double Final Consonants)
Double Final Consonants + 습니다 |
- There are 11 double final consonants in Korean. But, 'ㄳ, ㄽ' are not in adjectives and verbs. So we're going to look at 9 double final consonants.
- 1) 'ㄵ, ㅄ, ㄶ, ㅀ, ㄼ, ㄾ': the first final consonant is pronounced before '습니다.'
- 2) 'ㄺ, ㄻ, ㄿ': the second consonant is pronounced before '습니다.'
Let's look at them one by one.
2.1.1. 'ㄵ, ㅄ, ㄶ, ㅀ, ㄼ, ㄾ' + 습니다 ➝ the first consonant + [씀니다]
ㄵ, ㅄ + 습니다 ➝ the first final consonant [ㄴ, ㅂ] + [씀니다] |
- ㄵ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄴ] + [씀니다]
- 앉습니다 is pronounced as [안씀니다].
- 앉다 (to sit) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced.
- So '앉' is pronounced as [안].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- ㅄ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅂ] + [씀니다]
- 없습니다 is pronounced as [업씀니다].
- 없다 (not to exit) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced.
- So' 없' is pronounced as [업].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㄶ,ㅀ + 습니다 ➝ the first final consonant [ㄴ, ㄹ] + [씀니다]
- ㄶ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄴ] + [씀니다]
- 많습니다 is pronounced as [만씀니다].
- 많다 (to be many/much) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced.
- So '많' is pronounced as [만].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- ㅀ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄹ] + [씀니다]
- 앓습니다 is pronounced as [알씀니다].
- 앓다 (to be sick) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㄹ' is pronounced.
- So' 앓' is pronounced as [알].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㄼ + 습니다 ➝ the first final consonant [ㄹ] + [씀니다], exception '밟다'
- ㄼ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄹ] + [씀니다]
- 짧습니다 is pronounced as [짤씀니다].
- 짧다 (to be short) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced.
- So '짧' is pronounced as [짤].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- 밟다 (to step on) is an exception.
- The second consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced in the case of '밟다 '.
- 밟다+ 습니다 ➝ [ㅂ] + [씀니다]
- 밟습니다 is pronounced as [밥씀니다].
- 밟다 (to step on) + 습니다
- The second consonant 'ㅂ' is pronounced.
- So' 밟' is pronounced as [밥].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㄾ + 습니다 ➝ the first final consonant [ㄹ] + [씀니다] |
- ㄾ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄹ] + [씀니다]
- 핥습니다 is pronounced as [할씀니다].
- 핥다 (to lick) + 습니다
- The first consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced.
- So '짧' is pronounced as [짤]
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
2.1.2. 'ㄺ, ㄻ, ㄿ' + 습니다 ➝ the second consonant + [씀니다]
ㄺ, ㄻ + 습니다 ➝ the second final consonant [ㄱ, ㅁ] + [씀니다]
- ㄺ + 습니다 ➝ [ㄱ] + [씀니다]
- 읽습니다 is pronounced as [익씀니다].
- 읽다 (to read) + 습니다
- The second consonant 'ㄴ' is pronounced.
- So '잃' is pronounced as [익].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
- ㄻ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅁ] + [씀니다]
- 굶습니다 is pronounced as [익씀니다].
- 굶다 (to starve, to skip a meal) + 습니다
- The second consonant 'ㅁ' is pronounced.
- So '굶' is pronounced as [굼].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
ㄿ + 습니다 ➝ the second final consonant [ㅂ] + [씀니다]
- ㄿ + 습니다 ➝ [ㅂ] + [씀니다]
- 읊습니다 is pronounced as [읍씀니다].
- 읊다 (to recite) + 습니다
- The second consonant 'ㅍ' is pronounced and 'ㅍ' is pronounced as the final consonant sound [ㅂ].
- So '읊' is pronounced as [읍].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
We've looked at all the final consonants.
Now let's see two sentences.
3. Example sentences
'ㅂ니다 [ㅁ니다]' example sentence
- When you write, you have to write '도와주셔서 감사합니다' which means 'Thank you for helping me out.'
- But when you pronounce, you have to pronounce [도와주셔서 감사함니다].
- '합' is pronounced as [함].
'습니다 [씀니다]' example sentence
- When you write, you have to write '도와주셔서 고맙습니다' which means 'Thank you for helping me out.'
- But when you pronounce, you have to pronounce [도와주셔서 고맙씀니다].
- '습' is pronounced as [씀].
Today we've learned how to pronounce 'ㅂ니다/습니다.'
Here are the related videos on Youtube.
Thank you~!